Upgrade Your Smile with Amalgam Replacement at Serenity Smiles Dental Care

Upgrade Your Smile with Amalgam Replacement at Serenity Smiles Dental Care

What is amalgam replacement?

Amalgam replacement involves removing old silver (amalgam) fillings and replacing them with tooth-colored composite fillings or other biocompatible materials for a more aesthetically pleasing result.

Why should I consider amalgam replacement?

Amalgam replacement may be recommended to improve the appearance of your smile, address concerns about the safety of mercury-containing fillings, or restore damaged teeth for better oral health.

How is amalgam replacement performed?

During the procedure, the old amalgam fillings are carefully removed, and the tooth is cleaned and prepared for the new filling material. The tooth-colored composite resin is then bonded to the tooth for a natural appearance.

Ready to upgrade your smile with amalgam replacement?

Absolutely! Contact us at Serenity Smiles Dental Care in Murfreesboro, TN, at (615) 439-1949 to schedule your amalgam replacement consultation today!