Advanced Orthodontic Solutions in Murfreesboro, TN - FAST BRACES, Clear Aligners, and More

Introduction to Restorative Dentistry

Here at Serenity Smiles Dental Care, we provide advanced orthodontic solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. From innovative FASTBRACES® technology to discreet clear aligners

and essential retainer repair services, our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile with the convenience and care you deserve.

Why Orthodontics at Serenity Smiles Dental Care?

Our experienced orthodontic team at Serenity Smiles Dental Care is dedicated to offering the latest in orthodontic treatment options. We believe everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of, and our personalized care ensures you receive the most effective and comfortable treatment possible.

FASTBRACES® Technology

FASTBRACES® technology is revolutionizing the field of orthodontics by providing faster results than traditional braces. Thanks to their unique design, FASTBRACES® can straighten teeth in as little as 3 to 12 months, making them an excellent option for patients looking for a quick and efficient way to improve their smile.

Clear Aligners

For those seeking a less visible orthodontic treatment, clear aligners offer an aesthetic and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. Clear aligners are virtually invisible, removable for easy cleaning and eating, and custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, gradually moving them into their ideal positions.

Retainer Repair and Maintenance

Maintaining the results of your orthodontic treatment is crucial, which is why we offer retainer repair and maintenance services . Whether you need a new retainer or adjustments to your existing one, our team is here to ensure your smile stays perfect for years to come.

Personalized Orthodontic Treatment Plans

At Serenity Smiles Dental Care, we understand that every smile is unique. That's why we offer personalized treatment plans designed to meet the specific needs and goals of each patient. During your consultation, we'll discuss your options and recommend the best course of treatment for your ideal smile.

Financing and Insurance

We believe financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining orthodontic treatment. That's why we offer various financing options and accept most insurance plans to make our services accessible to everyone.

Orthodontics services

Schedule Your Orthodontic Consultation Today

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile?
Contact Serenity Smiles Dental Care in Murfreesboro, TN, today to schedule your orthodontic consultation. Our team is eager to guide you through your treatment options and get you started on the path to a stunning smile.